Copywriting + Editing

Why should you choose Cada + Associates to help with copywriting and copy editing?

Content Counts

If you think you can take copy from your brochure and slap it on your website, think again. Those days are gone. You need thoughtful, informative copy that not only accurately depicts your products and services but also optimizes keywords for search engine optimization purposes. Good copy is great business. It helps visitors find your site and encourages them to linger once they get there.

Websites help users navigate easily through the site, but a snappy design can’t do it alone. More than ever before, a well planned content strategy counts. You need well-written content to promote your products and services, increase traffic, and retain customers – you need a website that communicates effectively to today’s Internet users.

Want a quality online presence? You need top-notch copy.

Cada + Associates gives you an edge by offering professional copywriting and editing services. Our writers can create copy that’s interesting, grammatically correct, and free of punctuation and spelling errors. With our attention to detail and style, your website also maintains a consistent tone throughout, reflecting your company’s personality and corporate culture.

Don’t turn your website into a do-it-yourself project when it comes to content. You are investing resources to develop a quality online presence, don’t risk that quality and effectiveness of the one thing people are ultimately looking for: content.

We can interview you and write the entire website, or we can work with your personnel to direct, edit and proof copy you create. Our copywriting services include:

  • Content strategy
  • Interviewing and outlining the website copy
  • Writing the website
  • Proofing and editing existing copy
  • Writing case studies
  • Search engine optimization services
  • Collateral Materials, including brochures, newsletters, blogs, ads, press releases and more.